• Katherine Loudoun

Windsor Artists Collective:

We are a group of 19 experienced, productive and self-motivated contemporary artists from the Windsor (England) area. 

About Us:

Windsor Artists Collective is a discussion and exhibiting art group for experienced artists whose output encompasses an immense range of styles, techniques and media.  We are not tutor lead and we don't paint in our meetings.

The creative process can for most artists, benefit from support and encouragement from other like minded creatives. So we provide this for all our members via our meetings, on-line and one-to-one. The group has developed a unique environment of support; encouragement; cross-fertilization of ideas; critique; technical help; motivation; innovation and of coursed discussion. The net result is that we have seen a significant growth in creativity and enjoyment.

Windsor Artists Collective runs exhibitions most months in key locations at which we sell art and engage directly with the public. The public can come along and meet the artists and discuss the art. 

We also actively submit art into competitions, work with leading Galleries, undertake commissions and provide help in the community.

For more information or to express an interest in joining the group send me a detailed email  jonathan @ windsor-artists.org

Jonathan Greenyer


If however you are looking for a "tutor lead" art group, follow this link below for some local art organisations in East Berkshire ...


15 of the 19 members of Windsor Artists Collective at Northcote House, Audley Village for our exhibition on 10/11 February 2024.

Artist's Gallery Pages

Instagram: windsorartistscollective